Wah, kor-kor & I as reviewers of kids shows leh! We can definitely get used to this kind of job. Hee hee... And since this series is targeted at those between 6 months to 4 years of age, it is I, cheekiemonkie #2, who shall be the offical reviewer. :P
Our review copy was that of the Farm Animals, and as with any new DVDs, kor-kor & I were all excited to begin our job. The show essentially consists of 2 main parts. One part introduces all the farm animals to us, including what they are fed on the farm and how they are useful to us, just like the cow providing milk for us to have strong bones & teeth! The other part encompasses many catchy songs with vivid cartoons, like '5 Little Ducks', 'Old MacDonald Had a Farm', to get kor-kor & me up on our feet and groove.
It has a good mixture of songs, stories & games to keep the both of us occupied for the whole of 40 minutes. And that's not all - kor-kor's fave bit of the disc is the extras that come with it - mini cartoon segments. Kor-kor especially likes the one with fingers as puppets and they all break out into song and dance... which kor-kor follows. Hee hee... Okay okay, me too lah.
As for me, I love everything! Erm, in fact we had watched it quite a few times liao... now maybe I need to watch the rest of the series!

The first 5 volumes of My First Years Library; Learning Colours, My Nursery Toys, Farm Animals, Musical Instruments and Arts & Crafts, are NOW available at all good kiddy & DVD shops. Each DVD retails at S$14.90, with a running time of approximately 40 minutes.
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